Standard Bokken - Classic Woods

SKU: W150V

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Weapon Engraving Services

Available fonts (style) 4 Japanese fonts, 3 English fonts
Depth The stronger the laser, the deeper the engraving. Superficial is quite discreet, standard is deep enough to stand forever, deep can go up to 1 mm depth and creates a burning effect within the engraving.
Free transcriptions You can write your name in English and select a "Japanese" font, in which case we will take care of the transcription. Note that several translations exist for the same name and that we cannot accept claims. (Please use the text field to add a comment if the pronunciation is unusual. If you already have a translation, please attach a picture). We do not translate expressions or initials, only names or words. Requests for expressions translations will be ignored and refunded. Please also note that initials cannot be translated into Japanese. Consequently, they will always be engraved in English.
Number of engravings You can order a maximum of 3 engravings per weapon from this page. The modules N1, N2, and N3 correspond to the engravings Number 1, number 2, and number 3. These modules are identical and you can add them in the order you wish. Of course, we cannot engrave twice in the same place, so please pay attention to the chosen positions.
For more than 3 engravings, please contact us prior to placing your order.
Limitations We engrave in Japanese and English only (no Chinese, Korean, etc.) For any special request (logo/design), contact us prior to your order. (Undiscussed demands will be ignored).
More information Engraving Information & Japanese free translation (on site), Transcription usages (Seido Blog), and the engraving workshop presentation (Youtube)
¥1,200 ~ ¥5,200
Made on site | Production: ~ | No Exchanges/Refunds
In stock: ships within 2 working days
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Attention: logo embroidery must be discussed prior to placing your order. Undiscussed demands will be ignored and refunded without notice.

Service details
Bokken Laser Engraving - N°1

  • Position: Right or left (when held) | handle, near Tsuba or blade
  • Letter size: standard (~7.5 mm), big (~10 mm), extra big (~12 mm)
  • Up to 3 engravings can be added per Bokken.
  • ¥1,200 ~ ¥5,200
    Made on site | Production: ~ | No Exchanges/Refunds
    In stock: ships within 2 working days
    Order today and we will ship before
    Availability : around (Shipping date estimation)
    As we are not able to guarantee the next availability for this product, orders are temporarily suspended. We invite you to come back check the availability around
    This product is out of stock and discontinued. It cannot be ordered any longer.
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    Please check the selected 'word count' matches the content entered. "<span class="words"></span>" is (are) considered as one word (each).
    Attention: logo embroidery must be discussed prior to placing your order. Undiscussed demands will be ignored and refunded without notice.

    Service details
    Bokken Laser Engraving - N°2

  • Position: Right or left (when held) | handle, near Tsuba or blade
  • Letter size: standard (~7.5 mm), big (~10 mm), extra big (~12 mm)
  • Up to 3 engravings can be added per Bokken.
  • ¥1,200 ~ ¥5,200
    Made on site | Production: ~ | No Exchanges/Refunds
    In stock: ships within 2 working days
    Order today and we will ship before
    Availability : around (Shipping date estimation)
    As we are not able to guarantee the next availability for this product, orders are temporarily suspended. We invite you to come back check the availability around
    This product is out of stock and discontinued. It cannot be ordered any longer.
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    Attention: logo embroidery must be discussed prior to placing your order. Undiscussed demands will be ignored and refunded without notice.

    Service details
    Bokken Laser Engraving - N°3

  • Position: Right or left (when held) | handle, near Tsuba or blade
  • Letter size: standard (~7.5 mm), big (~10 mm), extra big (~12 mm)
  • Up to 3 engravings can be added per Bokken.
  • Recommended Accessories

    Standard Plastic Tsuba (brown)
    Rigid Leather Tsuba
    Nylon Bokken & Shinai Bag
    Tsubaki Abura (Camellia Oil)

    Prices vary depending on selected options.

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    Standard Plastic Tsuba

    Material: PVC
    Tsubadome (rubber ring) optional (white or brown).
    Size: ~7.8 cm x ~6 mm

    Basic brown plastic tsuba, a guard that will protect your hands during full contact practice, which is fixed on your bokken with a rubber ring.
    This plastic Tsuba is the only made in Japan plastic Tsuba designed for classic Bokken on the market and only exists in brown color.

    It will fit on all standard and high-end bokken, with or without groove, and on chuto (short bokken) and shoto (wakizashi), but might require a little filing depending on the exact shape of the blade (particularly at the mine).
    Please make sure you select the correct size as the hole is slightly smaller for Shoto size. The M (Chuto) size can still be recut for a Bokken, but a Bokken Tsuba will be too large for a Chuto.

    ¥4,940 ~ ¥5,040

    Prices vary depending on selected options.

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    Rigid Leather Tsuba for Bokken and Shoto

    Material: cow leather
    Tsubadome (rubber ring) optional (white or brown).
    Size: ~7.6 cm x ~7 mm

    Thick leather Tsuba, very solid. A little smaller than its sister product, the round leather Tsuba. Because leather is a "living" material, each Tsuba is unique, specially in its color. The emphasis is not placed on its appearance but this kind of Tsuba is an excellent model to effectively protect your hands!

    It will fit on all standard and high-end bokken, with or without groove, and on chuto (short bokken) and shoto (wakizashi), but might require a little filing depending on the exact shape of the blade (particularly at the mine). Please make sure you select the correct size as the hole is slightly smaller for Shoto size. The M (Shoto/Chuto) size can still be recut for a Bokken, but a Bokken Tsuba will be too large for a Shoto.
    In addition, note that this Tsuba cannot be fitted on a thin Bokken (Yagyu, Yagyu Shinkage, Niten Ichi Ryu, etc.)

    Please note that the Tsuba is shipped in its original shape. If you would like the Tsuba to be fitted with a particular weapon in your order, please specify it via the comment box of the shopping cart page. We will only fit the Tsuba on Standard and Deluxe models, not on Koryu Bokken. 

    ¥6,300 ~ ¥8,400

    Prices vary depending on selected options.

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    Please check the selected 'word count' matches the content entered. "<span class="words"></span>" is (are) considered as one word (each).
    Attention: logo embroidery must be discussed prior to placing your order. Undiscussed demands will be ignored and refunded without notice.

    Nylon Bag for Bokken & Shinai with shoulder strap

    Made in Japan

    Material: Nylon

    Available color: Black & Navy Blue

    Name plate option: Synthetic leather embroidered name plate (maximum 1 name)

    This model is made of particularly strong nylon. The shoulder strap will allow to carry 2 bokken comfortably on your shoulder. Synthetic leather reinforcements at the bottom of the cover for better resistance.

    Please note that this cover is for Bokken or Shinai only, and the length is not sufficient for transporting a Jo.
    For Bokken, Jo & Tanto sets, please see the Carry Bag Bokken/Jo/Tanto (nylon) model.

    Nylon Bokken & Shinai Bag Specifications
    Model For Bokken & Shinai 34 For Shinai 37 For Shinai 39
    Max weapon length 103 cm 113 cm 119 cm
    Full length 105 cm 115 cm 120 cm
    Weight 260 g 300 g 340 g

    "Name Plate" Option: Optionally, you can add a name plate embroidered with your name. This plate is made of synthetic leather, and will be directly integrated on the bag before shipping.
    Please note: given the little space available, it is only possible to embroider either a first name, a last name, or a word (Aikido, Aikibudo etc.)
    For more information about Japanese embroidery, please consult the page "How to Choose your Japanese Embroidery".

    ¥2,000 ~ ¥37,200

    Prices vary depending on selected options.

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    Camellia Oil - Tsubaki abura

    Made in Japan (Isu Islands)

    Ingredient: 100% Tsubaki Oil

    Size: 70 mL (2,3 oz) / 118 mL (3.9 oz) / 1 L (33.8 oz) / 1.8 L (60.9 oz)

    This oil has been produced on the island of Toshima (Isu Shoto), off Tokyo, for more than a century. It is used by many Japanese wood workers as well as specialists in ancient blade (shinken) who are looking for a more stable oil than the Choji oil.

    The 70 and 118 mL are conditionned in glass bottles. 1 and 1.8 L are conditionned in metal cans. Cans are not available in stock and require about a week before shipping.

    Treatment with Camellia oil is recommended by the craftsmen who make our wooden weapons. The regular oiling is necessary for unvarnished weapons. It is recommended also for the maintenance of Iaito and Shinken.

    Utilization on wooden weapons:
    Once every 2 months in the wet season, 2 times per month during dry season. For a better preservation of your weapons, it is advisable to carefully rub them with a dry cloth after each use. When you apply the oil, clean the wood surface by rubbing vigorously with a dry cloth, then apply the oil in a thin layer directly with the hand. Allow to dry.
    If your weapons are not painted it will not be necessary to sand, but if they are, sanding will help the wood to absorb more oil.

    Note that this Camelia oil is initialy intended for skin and hair care. We've selected this oil for it's unmatched quality: 100% pure camelia oil, no additive, cold pressed, cosmetic grade, almost odorless, and halal certified.


    Product Information & Size Chart

    • Standard Bokken 101.5 cm - Red/White Oak

      Made in Japan (Kyushu)
      Flat Spine | Flat butt | Small Kissaki
      Red Oak and White Oak available

      The standard model is available in red oak and white oak. It is characterized by a simple and basic finish, flat tsukagashira, hiramine, and shokissaki. The wood selected is of high quality but unlike for higher grade models, it does not undergo particular selection. These models are excellent basic bokken for beginners but they might be a bit limited for experienced practitioners. Finishes are identical, only the wood species change. 

      This product is also available in the "Standard Daisho Set - Bokken & Shoto Set" with a 1000 YEN rebate in comparison to separate purchases, and in the Bokken, Jo & Tanto standard set, with a 2000 YEN rebate.

      • Choice of wood species: red oak, white oak
      • Finish: camellia oil polish
      • Manufacturing workshop: Aramaki or Matsuzaki

      For this model, we complete the workshop finish with Camelia oil treatment by default. This is the standard Seido finish. We do not apply any additional polishing for this finish, so some weapons might have a slightly rough surface. For higher quality finish, please consider our deluxe models, which are available with our "Seido Special Finish". For maintenance, we recommend that you oil your weapons about once a month with a vegetal based oil.

      Standard Bokken Specifications
      Wood IchiiKashi
      (Red Oak)
      (White Oak)
      Weight 450 ~ 500 g 500 ~ 550 g
      Full length 101.5 cm
      Blade length 75.5 cm
      Tsuka length 26 cm
      Tsuka diameter 37 x 26 mm
      Mine Hiramine (flat spine)
      Tsuka shape Taira (flat butt)
      Kissaki Shokissaki (small) (~2 cm)

      *Due to the hand-made manufacturing, color and weight may vary from one weapon to another

    • Customer Reviews

      Based on 89 reviews
      Anonymous (Brisbane, AU)
      My first Bokken

      My bokken arrived in perfect condition. It's awesome. It only took a few days to get to Australia.
      Thank you to the Seido Team. Great communication, great product. Loved the finished product and highly recommend purchasing from this company. Received order within days after purchase. Thank you!


      Le boken est parfaitement équilibré. J'en avais déjà eu un par le passé, mais trop léger. Celui-ci est bien lourd et maniable d'une seule main. Lorsqu'on frappe en biseau, on entend le bois chanter. C'est une pure merveille!


      白樫 標準仕上げを選択。

      R.C. (Longmont, US)
      Incredibly Fast Shipping, Beautiful Bokken

      I'm actually really surprised by the shipping for my bokken. I ordered on a Saturday after Iaido and received my bokken in time for my Thursday evening class.
      The bokken is also gorgeous, I went with the white oak and the grain, coloration, and overall quality is really nice. My sensei noted it's beauty as soon as he saw it.

      graham m. (Courtenay, CA)
      Happy Canadian

      My bokken arrived in perfect condition. It’s awesome. It only took a few days to get to Canada. Thank you to the Seido Team. Great communication, great product.

      Anonymous (San Jose, US)
      Fantastic oak bokken, old-school precision workmanship

      My Ichiikashi (Red Oak) bokken arrived in perfect condition this afternoon. The design is flawless; old-school precision worksmanship at a very reasonable price, with a personal inscription (hanko). Thank you!

      Lu (US)
      Excellent Quality for the Simple Option

      Shipping was quite quick, and I was kept informed every step of the way. Quality on arrival was as-advertised, and not something I have any complaints about. If you want a starter bokuto and don't need something more specialized, this is a good way to go.

      Islander (Canada)
      My first Bokken :)

      Loved the finished product and highly recommend purchasing from this company. Received order within days after purchase. Thank you!

      Lou (Pezenas kinomichi)
      Bokken chêne blanc

      Grande émotion à la réception de ce magnifique bokken ....merci à la nature et aux artisans.

      Kyle (United States)
      Fast shipping, quality bokken

      I'm coming to Kendo from historical European martial arts, so I have some experience with wooden 'wasters' (practice swords). The classic Bokken (made of white oak) I ordered from Seido was very reasonably priced and incredibly, showed up in less than a week from Japan. It is high quality, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants an affordable, functional work of art.

      For compliance reasons, reviews placed in French and Japanese and imported here on February 2024 do not display as 'verified'.
      When importing Japanese reviews, the impossibility to automatically determine the presence of a familly name forced us to label all Japanese reviews as 'anonymous' (Familly names in roman characters have been filtered out).

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    Product & Services

    Standard Bokken - Classic Woods: ¥7,700
    Bokken Laser Engraving - N°1: ¥1,200
    Bokken Laser Engraving - N°2: ¥1,200
    Bokken Laser Engraving - N°3: ¥1,200
    Shoto Laser Engraving - N°1: ¥1,200
    Shoto Laser Engraving - N°2: ¥1,200
    Shoto Laser Engraving - N°3: ¥1,200
    Jo, Bo & Hanbo Laser Engraving - N°1: ¥1,200
    Jo, Bo & Hanbo Laser Engraving - N°2: ¥1,200
    Jo, Bo & Hanbo Laser Engraving - N°3: ¥1,200
    Tanto Laser Engraving - N°1: ¥1,200
    Tanto Laser Engraving - N°2: ¥1,200
    Tanto Laser Engraving - N°3: ¥1,200
    Katanakake Laser Engraving - N°1: ¥1,200
    Katanakake Laser Engraving - N°2: ¥1,200
    Nunchaku Laser Engraving N°1 - First Branch: ¥1,200
    Nunchaku Laser Engraving N°2 - First Branch: ¥1,200
    Nunchaku Laser Engraving N°1 - Second Branch: ¥1,200
    Nunchaku Laser Engraving N°2 - Second Branch: ¥1,200
    Tonfa Laser Engraving N°1: ¥1,200
    Tonfa Laser Engraving N°2: ¥1,200
    Kenju Laser Engraving N°1: ¥1,200
    Kenju Laser Engraving N°2: ¥1,200


    1 x Standard Plastic Tsuba (brown): ¥200
    1 x Rigid Leather Tsuba: ¥4,940
    1 x Nylon Bokken & Shinai Bag: ¥6,300
    1 x Tsubaki Abura (Camellia Oil): ¥2,000
    Made to Order | Production: ~ | No Exchanges/Refunds
    Order today and we will ship before
    In stock: ships within 2 working days
    Order today and we will ship before
    Availability : around (Shipping date estimation)
    As we are not able to guarantee the next availability for this product, orders are temporarily suspended. We invite you to come back check the availability around
    This product is out of stock and discontinued. It cannot be ordered any longer.
    Sold out
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