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  • Japanese Wooden Weapons Craftsmanship, the Beginning of the End | In addition to the structural crisis affecting the industry, in 2019, the closure of one of the largest Japanese workshops, Horinouchi, then, in 2020, the covid crisis have for consequences a drastic increase in prices and production times, and mid-term, a probable disappearance of the manufacture of wooden weapons in Japan. To learn more, you can read our article detailing the situation and the measures taken to help this industry.

Bokken, Shoto, Jo & Tanto Set (Classic & Koryu)

Average rating: 4.9/5 - 287 customer reviews

About Our Wooden Weapons Sets

The wooden weapons proposed by Seido are manufactured by one of the last four traditional workshop in the south of Japan, in the region of Miyakonojo (Kyushu), Horinouchi, Nidome, Matsuzaki and Aramaki (learn more about the workshops on our Artisans Presentation Page). Seido is the only company in the world (including Japan) working with these 4 workshops simultaneously. Our weapons are selected according to the specialties of each workshop, the time of manufacture as well as the pricing. If you have got a preference for a particular workshop, please contact us for quotation.

In this section, we will present a series of Bokken, Jo, and Tanto sets, as well as Koryu sets (Bokken + Shoto or "Daisho sets"). Just like for our individual weapons, these sets are available in different woods such as red and white oak, Isu no Ki, Sunuke, etc. You can refer to the page "How to Choose Your Bokken/Wood" or to our extensive blog article How to Choose your Bokken – Case Studies & Advice to help you make your choice. All Bokken can be engraved directly in our facilities within a few days.

In 2021, with concerns for the workers, all workshops greatly reduced the number of urethane varnished weapons with a natural finish. Seido is now transitioning to a new finish offer for the majority of its weapons, which consist in a either camellia oil treatment (standard finish) or a camellia oil with extra polishing + bee wax finish (Seido special finish). Until all stocks for varnish weapons run out, varnish finish is still offered on some weapons. (edited)

For more information about our partner craftsmen, check out our interviews with Master Aramaki, Master Matsuzaki and Master Nidome on youtube. 

Bokken & Shoto sets (Daisho) are offered with a 1000 YEN discount in comparison to separate purchase.
Bokken, Jo & Tanto sets are offered with a 2000 YEN discount in comparison to separate purchase.
All products displayed with the green tree icon fall under our forest preservation program. A flat amount is donated to the NGO MoreTrees for each piece ordered.

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  • Bokken+Jo+Tanto (with bag) [Aikido Set]

    ¥22,100 ~ ¥25,800

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Red or White Oak
    Camellia Oil Polish Finish
    With weapon carrying bag & optional Tsuba.
    Recommended for beginners
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    4.9/5 - 85 customer reviews
  • Standard Bokken & Shoto [Daisho Set]

    ¥11,200 ~ ¥13,500

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Red Oak or white Oak
    Flat Spine | Flat butt | Small Kissaki
    Camellia Oil Polish Finish
    Recommended for beginner & intermediate practitioners
    Perfect for Kendo Kata practice.
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    5/5 - 2 customer reviews
  • Deluxe Bokken & Shoto [Daisho Set]

    ¥12,600 ~ ¥18,400

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Red Oak, White Oak
    Chevroned Spine | Rounded butt | Long Kissaki
    Standard Finish, Seido Special Finish
    Recommended for intermediate & advanced practitioners
    Perfect for Kendo Kata practice.
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    4.7/5 - 3 customer reviews
  • Deluxe Bokken, Jo & Tanto [Aikido Set]

    ¥18,900 ~ ¥28,500

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Red Oak or White Oak
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish
    Jo available in 24, 27 or 30 mm
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    4.9/5 - 97 customer reviews
  • Tsubanashi Bokken, Jo & Tanto [Aikido Set]

    ¥18,900 ~ ¥28,500

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    White Oak
    Special Tsubanashi Bokken
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish
    Jo available in 24, 27

    4.9/5 - 45 customer reviews
  • Iwama Ryu Bokken, Jo & Tanto [Aikido Set]

    ¥22,700 ~ ¥29,400

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    White Oak
    With Iwama Ryu heavy Bokken
    Jo available in 24, 27 or 30 mm
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    4.9/5 - 48 customer reviews
  • Niten Ichi Ryu Bokken & Shoto [Daisho Set]

    ¥18,400 ~ ¥22,000

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Thin & Light weight, straight Bokken & Shoto
    White Oak
    Rounded Spine | Flat butt | Bevelled Kissaki
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish

    5/5 - 4 customer reviews
  • Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Bokken & Shoto [Daisho Set]

    ¥20,700 ~ ¥24,300

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Edo Branch Model - Bokken & Shoto
    White Oak
    Flat Spine | Flat butt | Beveled kissaki
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish

    No reviews yet
  • Ono-Ha Itto Ryu Bokken & Shoto [Daisho Set]

    ¥18,400 ~ ¥22,000

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Ono-Ha Itto Ryu shape heavy & thick
    White Oak
    Rounded Spine | Flat butt | Short Kissaki
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    5/5 - 1 customer review
  • Katori Shinto Ryu Bokken & Shoto (Aramaki Model) [Daisho Set]

    ¥21,100 ~ ¥24,700

    Made in Japan (Kyushu region)
    Semi-heavyweight, straight Bokken
    White Oak
    Flat Spine | Flat butt | Beveled Kissaki
    Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish
    Aramaki Workshop Design
    In stock: ships within 2 working days

    4/5 - 2 customer reviews
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